Friday, June 18, 2010

Going Green or Going Insane?

You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. They don't seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together. - Henry Ford

When MacGyver and I got married, he introduced me to recycling. I did a lot of eye-rolling and huffing and puffing and such, but I learned to go the SO burdensome trouble of walking to the garage door and throwing glass, plastics and paper in the bin to be recycled. To be honest, I really didn't think it mattered. I really did not care where my garbage went when I was done with it.

I have to say, I see things differently now. MacGyver likes to say "there's no reason to fill up the dumps" and he's right. If we can go an extra inch or two (as opposed to a mile) and save the next generation the job of cleaning up our mess, isn't that worth it?

So we have always recycled. I'm interested to go a bit further in this and try to only buy packaging that can be recycled. At least do my best. So in the next year I'm going to make a conscious effort to make our "dump" pile smaller. I'm going to look into cloth diapers, at least on a partial basis. I'm going to start a compost pile (just a pile of organic material such as apple cores, banana peels, egg shells and coffee remnants) that is left to sit and turn to fertilizer.) I'm going to attempt to use re-usable bags when I grocery shop, and I'm going to do this by purchasing one every week until I have enough. I'm also already using all natural cleaning agents and beauty products, and I hope to keep that up and maybe find some ways to save money by making soaps/shampoos, etc.

Have I left anything out? If you can think of something I'm forgetting post it. And if you have some further goals please post them here so we can keep each other accountable.


  1. I forgot to mention that I have found, to my delight, that you can clean ANYTHING with either baking soda or vinegar, which you can buy in bulk and very inexpensively!

    I have also found that using coconut oil on your hair as a conditioning treatment (for about 5 minutes) washing with shampoo twice and then conditioning as usual makes hair shiny and soft! Coconut oil is also a GREAT moisturizer!

  2. for some reason, my comments either disappear, or post twice! :) i'll have to remember what i asked you about this post...

  3. This song may inspire your journey (Warning: one quickly spoken kid-unfriendly word during the anthem portion)
    <3 Gwennie

  4. except I forgot to post it:
