Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Someone told me that January 5 is the most stressful day of the year.

So be REALLY REALLY impressed that I'm writing today. Because I don't feel it. I feel exhausted. I'm ready to hibernate from life for awhile. I've had about all the teaching/diaper changing/cooking and cleaning/moderating ridiculous arguments that I can take for 2011. That's right, I've reached the quota. Do you hear me MacGyver, Eldest, Secondborn, Not-so-toddler and Baby J? I've had ENOUGH.

Deep breath. Slow exhale.

I wrote in my journal last night before I fell asleep. I said "Why is it so easy for me to park myself in neutral and let life push me along?"

When things get stressful, I go limp. I just do what I have to do to survive and turn my brain off. I like to call it hypersensitivity, overstimulation, anything that makes me sound like a victim.

Truth is, it's just plain old laziness.

So I have one single resolution for 2011. I shall endeavor to do, act, feel, think, write, and any other verb that applies in any situation in which my normal response is to ride out the wave and do nothing. Even if it annoys me. Even if it exhausts me.

I've gotten off to a good start. In two days I have exercised for 3 hours. I have watched what I am eating even though detoxing from the holidays is no easy process. There is no doubt I've room to do better. But the point of this year shall be to do a little better than before.

What about you? Resolutions? Plans for the new year?


  1. Uugghh! Thinking of resolutions makes me tired. I need to take a nap and then maybe I can post something. Thanks for the honesty! Know that there are many in the same boat with you!

  2. Yessssss I am so picking fights this year.

  3. I don't think you're alone in the neutral zone. Laziness is my default setting, and sometimes it becomes more of a paralysis. But baby steps.
    I'm trying to come up with a good resolution. But even that is somewhat paralyzing. I thought about resolving to stay out of the blogosphere, but that seems unrealistic, considering that's where most of my friends are. I think more accurately I thought about resolving to not take things so seriously in the blogosphere, but we talk about serious stuff, so...
    At least I've worked out once since the year started and have sort of watched my diet, though not as closely as before the holidays. That's progress. Baby steps.

  4. :)

    just wanted you to know i'm still reading!

    we have so much in common. i like to 'pretend' things aren't happening and go on with ritual.

    i'm going to {hopefully} post my goals for this year on my blog in the next few days so i won't take up all your comment space here. ;)

    HANG IN THERE! just think, the most stressful day of 2011 is OVER!!! ;)

  5. Thanks for the comments - Amy, I'll be checking your blog out!! :)

    Gwen, I am glad I am not alone. You'd think we were sisters or something.

    Thank you all for encouragments and comments! Looking forward to a good year.

  6. finally got around to it. actually i posted TWO times just this morning! one with a short goals list and then a more elaborate post on my weight loss goals. any comments/advice/encouragement would be wonderful. :)

    and i'll be picking your brain about our box garden later this year. :)

  7. Checking it out!!

    I will write about my garden soon too. I was just sitting here making a preliminary plan.
